
October 21, 2020

Staying Well Through The Pandemic Winter – Keep Moving!

There’s one thing we can all do to improve our health in every season, it costs nothing, requires no equipment, and is guaranteed to give you an immediate boost of energy and improve your mood and all you have to do is get up and move any way you like.

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June 28, 2019

Throw Away Your Frying Pan!

After being poisoned by pesticides in 1980, I seriously turned my passion and attention to health. I obsessively studied literature, created a method for making oils with health in mind, developed the first ever flax seed oil, authored several books on the effects of oils on health, and enthusiastically educated the public in about 40 countries on the effects of oils on health and disease.

One of the biggest discoveries I made over the years, was how oils were impacted by heat and the damage they do to our bodies. If you truly value your health, you need to read this.

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